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I loved getting to capture these fun ages of brothers Beau and Wyatt. A childhood simplicity session was the perfect way to highlight their sweet personalities. I love the simple setup and when we add just a small toy or book. It can help showcase an interest–like Beau who loves to read (and eat!) books! […]

Childhood Milestone Simplicity Session | KC Natural Light Studio


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This childhood simplicity session featuring these sweet sisters was also lucky enough to include some with mom too. It was so fun to reconnect with my old high school friend, Catherine (also accomplished children’s author) and meet her sweet daughters. Their vibrant and excited personalities matched their colorful dresses and I loved seeing them laughing […]

Motherhood Simplicity Studio Session | Prairie Village Natural Light Studio


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Colette and Christine’s natural light studio session at Park Studios in Atlanta was a dream. The lighting was perfect and Colette could not have been a more adorable 18 month old. Christine contacted me to take portrait photos of Colette, specifically to mirror one she had of herself from the same age. Let’s just say, […]

Colette and Christine | Atlanta Natural Light Studio Milestone


Park Studios Atlanta 18 month old milestone studio session

© 2025 katherine jianas photography | Kansas city motherhood & family photographer

Site Design by Jessica Gingrich

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