Journey to Motherhood | Part II: Frozen Embryo Transfers


Part II: Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET)

It had been a few months since our first [failed] transfer (you can catch up on Part I–my story about my unexplained infertility diagnosis here) and we were now ready for transfer #2. This transfer would be a frozen transfer, similar to a fresh transfer, but since we froze our remaining embryos after our fresh transfer, the frozen embryo would need to thaw before transferring (a standard procedure, but also poses a slight risk that the embryo may not make it through the process). After following my protocol and closely monitoring my follicle development, we determined the best day for the procedure. And in a matter of an hour, we were out the door to play the waiting game again.

10 days later the doctor called. This time with good news…my HCG levels were good, indicating that it worked! I was pregnant! I would come back in 2 days for more bloodwork to make sure the levels were still increasing. 2 days later the doctor called, but the news was that my HCG levels had declined…it was a chemical pregnancy (a very early miscarriage). I was heartbroken. After days, months, years…finally a positive test only to be taken away just like that. The only positive coming from this was that there was a positive test. I had never ever seen one, so at least this gave me hope that I could become pregnant and not completely lose hope that it wasn’t impossible for my body.

So, at this point, half of our embryos had been used…just 2 remained. We decided to wait until the new year (hello, 2018) for our third transfer. Would this be the one? I couldn’t help but get my hopes up.

We transferred our third embryo in February 2018. When the doctor called 10 days after the procedure, I could not believe it when she told me that I was pregnant! My follow-up bloodwork also came back with increasing HCG levels. It had worked…I was pregnant!! I was in disbelief. Excited, but so nervous at the same time. When you’ve experienced failure and loss, you never breathe easy, knowing that the chair could be pulled out from under you at any moment. But everything kept moving in the right direction.

IVF journeyFor all the pain and heartache it took to get to this point, I was blessed with an easy pregnancy. I didn’t have any morning sickness and I was able to remain active throughout my pregnancy. We decided not to find out the baby’s sex in order to keep something a surprise in this whole process. I was, or so they thought, carrying a 10lb bowling ball, so we opted for a scheduled c-section. No birth plan here, just a healthy baby was all we cared about.

IVF journeyAnd, well…the third time was the charm because on October 26, 2018 a healthy nearly 9lb baby girl entered the world and our lives were changed forever. Welcome, Corinna Jane. We waited so long to meet you. 

IFV journeyIVF journeyI am a true believer that good things really do come to those who wait and so grateful for the beautiful gift we were given 3 years ago.

So that leaves one final embryo. Read Part III here.


©Katherine Jianas Photography

Katherine Jianas is a Kansas City newborn, family, motherhood, child, and personal branding photographer specializing in timeless, natural light photography. KC areas served include: Prairie Village, Mission Hills, Fairway, Overland Park, Leawood, Roeland Park, Westwood, Sunset Hills, Mission, Brookside, Waldo, Country Club Plaza, Westport & more. To check out recent work, please visit my family, newborn and children photo galleries. If you are interested in a custom portrait session with Katherine Jianas Photography and would like more information, please click here to contact me or email me directly at

  1. […] you are new here, you can read my previous blog posts to catch up on Part I and Part II of my journey to […]

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